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Annual Meetings and Special Events

These meetings and events are crucial for maintaining the Club's vibrant and active spirit, providing opportunities for involvement, recognition, and enjoyment. During the AGM, members engage in activities such as reviewing annual reports, voting on board member nominations, discussing Club governance, reviewing the finances and approving the accounts for the previous year. Our Recognition Event is a thank you to our members who so generously give their time and expertise to the Club. We acknowledge this generosity with a celebratory meal. These annual events are mostly social ones that help strengthen the bonds within our community. Once you become a member, you'll gain access to a detailed calendar of events.

Annual General Meeting

  • The Annual General Meeting is held in September and is a necessary part of the governance of the Club.
  • It is normally held between 10:00 - 12:00 at the Clubhouse.
  • To start there is always coffee and cake!
  • All members are encouraged to come and listen to the Executive Board give their vision of the coming Club year, to vote on issues, and to review the Club's annual reports by the Treasurer and the Membership Team.
  • It is vitally important that the membership participate in key Club decisions and it is vital for the Executive Board to receive feedback, and this is the perfect forum for that exchange to happen.
  • So please do make an effort to come along and have a say.
  • It is also a great way to start the Club year and to find out what is planned for the forthcoming Club year.
  • The Charity chosen by the membership also give a presentation.
  • The AGM is usually followed by lunch at a local restaurant.

Recognition Event

  • This event is held to thank all our volunteers who put their hand up, and come forward to help run the Club, either by running an Activity, being a Board Member, or the many other roles that help make our Club what it is. 
  • We either hold a lunch or apéro that is subsidised by the Club.
  • It is our way of saying thank you.

Summer Lunch

  • This is our annual lunch to celebrate the end of the Club year before members go off on their summer holiday.
  • During July and August, inevitably there is reduced activity within the Club, although some activities do continue throughout the summer months.
  • We also invite representatives of our Charity to come and accept the donation from our fundraising efforts throughout the year.
  • It is a really enjoyable event and is usually held in June.

Either an Autumn, Christmas, or Spring Event

  • Often we hold one more annual event usually at the Clubhouse.

The IWC of Lausanne, founded in 1968, is a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation that fosters friendship among over 200 women of diverse nationalities and cultures living in the canton of Vaud and beyond, through social, sporting, charitable, and cultural activities.

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