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International Cooking Vevey

We are enthusiastic cooks who like to explore different cuisines and try new dishes. Each month a hostess chooses a theme and provides the recipes; participants then prepare a dish to share.

Knit-Wits (Knitting Group)

Do you like to knit? Do you want to improve your knitting? Do you even remember how to knit? Answer yes to any of the above and you are ready to join us!

Free Spirits

Share the experience of visiting a variety of interesting places with like-minded, friendly, sociable women. Monthly outings throughout Switzerland and occasionally France and Italy.

Out-to-Lunch Bunch

Join us as we discover new and interesting restaurants in our region… a culinary ‘field trip’ shared with other food enthusiasts. What could be a better lunch experience?

Gardening Group

We are united by the joy of beautiful outdoor spaces and a love of nature. We also have a lively WhatsApp group where we share photos of our visits both private and as a group, and share any hints and tips regarding all things horticultural.

International Cooking Lausanne

Our group of cooks hail from all over the world. Hostesses choose a theme, provide the recipes, and members then choose a dish to prepare at home and share à table

Wine Meet-up

Come along to an evening get together for IWC members and their spouses/partners/friends. Relax, share a bottle of wine and learn about the region's wine producers. 

Impromptu Group

Join us for fun at our spontaneously organised occasions, such as Montreux Christmas Market and evening get-togethers with your significant others. This self-directed group is open to all members to create or notify the group about events and regional activities.

RISE Group

This group is all about women supporting women for professional and entrepreneurial endeavours. We have amazing, accomplished women within our club who have experience, knowledge and wisdom in abundance. We have guest speakers and products to share. Plus, we have wine!

Art Appreciation

We visit art exhibitions and when possible the studios of locally based artists. We usually benefit from reduced group rates on our gallery visits, and on the occasions that we need to travel to Bern or Geneva, there are frequently reduced train fares which include the gallery entrance.

Cinema Lovers

We visit local cinemas in Lausanne to view films together. Come and join us and break out the popcorn! This is a very ad-hoc group and members are very welcome to suggest an outing.

Dream Group

Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung thought dreams were instrumental in helping us see new possibilities for our lives and showing us creative paths for dealing with change or difficulty. Led by a Doctoral Candidate in Jungian Psychology, this group of six members will choose a dream or two to analyse using Jung’s methods.

Music Appreciation

We attend music concerts monthly together around Lausanne.   


French Conversation

We are a group on average of six participants, so each member has a chance to speak. Most of our time is devoted to very lively discussions on current events and various topics. We also read and discuss French books.

German Conversation

Most of the time we are six eager and interested members. We read texts about German historical events, German enterprises, and German towns to be visited. 

English Conversation

This is an adhoc group who meet to practice their English skills, usually over a coffee in a local café.

Language Exchange

Do you enjoy practicing your French? Meeting new people? If you are a fluent English speaker, please join this group with our French-speaking equivalents of Lausanne Accueil. We also have a potluck picnic in June. All levels of French ability are welcome.



Literature was the first activity group formed after the club's founding. Each member presents a book related to the month's theme. We leave each meeting with new knowledge and enthusiasm to read books by the authors presented.

Contemporary Readers

For anyone interested in reading and discussing contemporary literary fiction. Our discussions are frank, yet friendly, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and viewpoints of our group members.

Book Club

We choose our books based on members’ recommendations and take turns leading discussions.

Original Readers

Our discussions are lively, open, and friendly. We vary our selection, incl. novels, biographies, short stories, current affairs, classics and books in translation. We take turns suggesting books for the group to read. 



We enjoy the dynamic and fun sport of badminton, a great way to stay active and connect with fellow members. All ability levels are welcome.


If you are an enthusiastic skier, this is the group for you. We have skied in most ski areas in Vaud, the Valais, venture into France. We are not expert skiers but we love to ski.


We are a happy group of members who welcome new members. We have two levels of play.


Hikes start out gently in the Spring and increase in difficulty as the season progresses, usually between 3.5 to 5 hours excluding breaks. You will need a good pair of lightweight hiking boots and a backpack. 

Fit and Fun (Walking)

Looking for a fun and social way of keeping fit? The only requirements are a good pair of walking shoes or boots and a desire to explore the region.

Nordic Walking

This is a low-impact, full-body workout thanks to specially designed poles which help improve your aerobic capacity and muscular strength.


Come and try pickleball the fastest growing recreational sport. We will teach you how to play. Your paddle & ball will be provided. This is a fun, relaxed and non-competitive group.

The IWC of Lausanne, founded in 1968, is a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation that fosters friendship among over 200 women of diverse nationalities and cultures living in the canton of Vaud and beyond, through social, sporting, charitable, and cultural activities.

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